Food and drinking water have become scarce. Most stores in town have run out of supplies and many residents are living on leftovers from two days ago.
A ship bearing aid including food, water, medical supplies as well as body bags arrived Thursday at Sikakap, on North Pagai island, one of the two worst-hit islands in the Mentawai group.
Topics for the two-day workshop include information about new green technologies and protecting drinking water supplies.
The Yellow River supplies water to 12 per cent of the country's population but almost two-thirds of its water is considered unsuitable for human consumption.
Two millimetres of rain in an hour can trigger a discharge; 39m tonnes of untreated sludge flushes into the river every year, says Thames Water, the utility firm that supplies London.
每小时两毫米的降雨都可能引发污水外泄。向伦敦供水的公用设施公司Thames Water表示,每年未经处理注入河水中的污泥达3900万吨。
To understand why water supplies become insecure, you first need to know two things that affect the volume of water stored in lakes and reservoirs, says Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, the firm's boss.
Water supplying project can be divided into interior and exterior water supplies. Each of the two supplies has its own formula in.
Water supplying project can be divided into interior and exterior water supplies. Each of the two supplies has its own formula in.