We need to tell the code generator which component type will expose this abstract behaviour, so we will create a componentType file.
In contrast to queues, exchanges have been shown to have a type associated with them that dictates their routing behaviour (usually in collaboration with bindings).
Dr Franks and his colleagues identified a type of behaviour called "reverse tandem runs" that makes the process more efficient.
And as the last level of detail, special custom runtime behaviour could be coded by a developer as an alternative to selecting an activity type from the used process language.
When points could be spent on only a single type of product, participants rated managers' behaviour as 6.18 on the fairness scale.
Every type of sedentary behaviour, such as driving and sitting at a computer, also poses significant health risks, Australian researchers concluded.
A type of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a reflex response or respondent behaviour - Also referred to as Pavlovian Conditioning.
Agglomerating behaviour of fine particles and the influence of vibrational parameter on agglomerate size in a type of vibro-fluidized bed are investigated.
According to this law, in a certain social type change, various social subject should have certain behaviour and behaviour pattern.
A young man of a type characterised by the wearing of fashionable or designer clothing and by behaviour considered brash and loutish.
On the other hand, a possessive type of love proclaimed by narcissistic types does indeed grant freedom to rationalize any type of behaviour "in the name of love".
The test results show that for a certain type of soil its stress-strain behaviour mainly depends upon strain rate and temperature.
You are a very special type of human race and beautiful patterns are showing in your life, in your lifestyle, in your behaviour.
In this paper the test results and test procedure to qualify the behaviour of a type of constrained layer damped wheels are shown.
A brief introduction to the study of damage tolerance behaviour of one type of main landing gear structure is given in this paper.
The ink that we made has the same type of flow behaviour as normal ink in a pen, except that we've added functionality to the ink.
The ink that we made has the same type of flow behaviour as normal ink in a pen, except that we've added functionality to the ink.