So, who do not suitable for this type of operation?
TYPE: Determines the type of operation — 'publisher' or 'consumer'.
TYPE:决定操作的类型 —'publisher'或 'consumer'。
An example of this type of operation would be a control function.
This type of operation allows for easy startup of hydraulic systems.
A request's affinity depends on the Service it's for and the type of operation.
Being a common case, this type of operation is typically highly optimized.
That indicates the type of operation applied to the item associated with the EPC.
这表示应用于与 EPC相关联的物品的操作类型。
If a particular type of operation is not performed very often, the frequency can be reduced.
This type of operation is always going to be slower than just doing the same operation directly.
This type of operation doesn't modify the resource and can therefore be called many times with the same results.
The first gsk7capicmd parameter is the type of operation to be performed. In this case, a key database operation.
The date of completion of initialization in the main program, set the date and type of operation shows that date.
This dissertation made a systematically research of the status quo and development trend of Chinese retailing type of operation.
I'm currently investigating adding support for this type of operation to JiBX, though it probably won't be until after the initial production release.
JVM shows greatly improved performance over the 1.3.1 version for this type of operation, running about seven times faster in my tests. The IBM 1.4.0.
在这类操作的性能方面,Sun 1.4.1JVM显示了比1.3.1版本很大的改进,在我的测试中运行速度大约是1.3.1版本的开部。
The purpose of using a cursor, in most cases, is to retrieve the rows from your cursor so that some type of operation can be performed on the data.
Chronic bronchitis, type of operation, duration of operation, pulmonary function and PCA are risk factors of PI in esophageal and cardiac cancer patients.
If a particular type of operation is performed often, the frequency of the corresponding task can be increased to reduce the amount of work each task has to perform.
Once we know we are in the right context, we can prepare a log record based on the type of operation executed. The following code excerpt illustrates how it can be done.
When you have selected multiple BAPIs, the Configure Objects page of the wizard opens (figure 10), and you can select the BAPI that represents each type of operation for a business object.
This article illuminates, by real cases and data, the status quo of Chinese retailing, which is mixed with too many foreign investments, variety type of operation, and big marketing space, ect.
Hence, you need to tell the system which type of message to map to which operation on the service.
Of course if this were a real-world application I would want to develop some type of algorithm to choose the desired port and operation.
It is designed to infect a particular configuration of a particular type of industrial-control system-in other words, to disrupt the operation of a specific process or plant.
The protocol consists of three parts: the envelope, data type rules, and a means of defining operation requests and responses.
Several types of automatic things can be done - for example, a database operation to check whether the required type of room is available.
DII is a generic dynamic invocation model that always ends in an 'invoke' type of call passing in the operation name and the input parameters for that operation.
DII is a generic dynamic invocation model that always ends in an 'invoke' type of call passing in the operation name and the input parameters for that operation.