Type specification complete, the quality is reliable.
GDB could not parse a type specification output by the compiler.
As expressions get more complicated the need to reduce the verbosity of type specification gets more compelling.
It is also failing to tell you that it expects each node in the encoded graph you send it to be instrumented with a type specification.
When using enums, it is recommended to use the new fixed underlying type specification because it has stronger type checking and code completion.
Data type specification: the ability to tell the UI to display the data at a given address as a specific data type - for example, this address represents the start of a null-terminated string.
The specification also treats every part of the document as a node consisting of a type and a value.
Rather than specify the destination type here, we will use the configured activation specification configuration to do this.
Unfortunately, the JCA specification does not define the type of this property or what it means.
The type of menu specification.
Custom attributes may be added to the work item type in the process specification.
The fundamental challenge of teams working collaboratively on any type of specification, regardless of whether it is a set of documents, a set of models, or a code base. is this: controlling change.
The data-flow specification is a specific type of metadata.
The specification also treats every part of the document as a node, consisting of a type and a value.
The SOAP specification makes certain things optional — for instance, the SOAP specification makes it optional to send type information for encoded parameters.
From a transformation point of view, this service specification maps to a WSDL port type, which at this time is an uninteresting port type because it has no operations or messages so far.
Of course, PC manufacturers can make any type of portable PC they like, with whatever specification they want. They can load it with any operating system they choose, if it's legally available.
Finally, the terminology was made consistent so that a given term (for example, type, instance, specification, or occurrence) has the same general connotation in all contexts in which it appears.
This type is known as the conjugate of a service specification.
To make use of a channel exit, an MQ messaging provider connection factory or activation specification must have a transport type of "client" or "bindings then client."
We model this by adding a port to the Invoicer, which is of the type InvoiceService service specification.
我们通过添加一个端口到Invoicer 中(它的类型是InvoiceService服务规范)来对其进行建模。
When you enable the module, its installer adds the Flitter table, makes the content type available to qualified users, and renders flits to specification.
It is recommended that all type structures within follow the bean specification.
A basic type element surrounded by a Parameter specification defines a new object of the corresponding type within the current context.
The WS-Inspection specification does not limit the type of service descriptions that can be referenced.
WS - Inspection规范没有限定可引用的服务描述的类型。
This specification provides the definition of the business activity coordination type that is to be used with the extensible coordination framework described in the WS-Coordination specification.
此规范提供了业务活动协调类型的定义,将与WS - Coordination规范中描述的可扩展协调框架一起使用。
This specification provides the definition of the atomic transaction coordination type that is to be used with the extensible coordination framework described in the WS-Coordination specification.
此规范提供了原子事务协调类型的定义,将与WS - Coordination规范中描述的可扩展协调框架一起使用。
To create a workload partition with the specification file wpar1.spec, type.
要想用规格说明文件wpar1 . spec创建工作负载分区,输入。
The SDO 1.0 specification did not have accessor methods to determine whether a DataObject was of mixed type (this has been addressed in the SDO 2.01 specification).
SDO 1.0规范并没有用于确定DataObject是否为混合类型的访问器方法(此问题已在SDO 2.01规范中进行了处理)。
To create a specification file wpar2.spec for an existing workload partition wpar1, type.
要想为现有的工作负载分区wpar1创建新的规格说明文件wpar2 . spec,输入。