You can then deploy the generated metro-library.war file to your test server, and finally type ant run on the console to try running the sample client.
You can then deploy the generated cxf-library.war file to your test server, and finally type ant run on the console to try running the sample client.
接着可以将生成的cxf - library . war文件部署到测试服务器,并在控制台输入antrun尝试运行示例客户端。
You can then deploy the generated cxf-library-username.war file to your test server, and finally type ant run on the console to try running the sample client.
然后,可以把生成的cxf - library - username . war文件部署到测试服务器上,在控制台上输入antrun运行示例客户机。
According to changing of location for COD gauge installed in test sample type, must resolve the compliance coefficient, which can be suitable to carry out the testing.
9 sample types: type I, type II, III, IV (optional) meet the standard test sample standard processing accuracy requirements.
Type curve match analysis is the main method of modern well test interpretation, but the error of this method is unavoidable because of the limitation of the type curves in a sample plot.
Our factory is equipped with the test sample machine, which can be used for carrying out the drying tests of various feeds for our users and for supplying the data and for helping the type selection.
Since the required sample volume is a mere 4.5ml and the sample cup is a test-tube type removable jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.
Since the required specimen volume is a mere 4.5 ml and the specimen cup is a test-tube type removable jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.
Since the required specimen volume is a mere 4.5 ml and the specimen cup is a test-tube type removable jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.