There are four typical use cases for the Item Connector.
In Update 1, and many other typical use cases, the return clause simply returns the variable that holds the modified document.
It may be helpful for those unfamiliar with text analysis to provide a brief overview of the technology and typical use cases that benefit from application of text analytics.
Since we cannot run the use cases with all possible input values, we must restrict ourselves to the typical values as advised by the users of the system.
For example, for the typical e-commerce site there are four (at least) basic use cases.
Typical Big data analytics use cases usually involve querying a variety of datasets together.
The four use cases described above are all typical data consolidation scenarios that benefit from employing a T-ETL approach to move and transform data.
前面描述的4个用例都是能从采用T - ETL方法移动和转换数据中受益的典型数据整合场景。
The following sections focus on use-cases for a typical Facebook application
下面几节着重介绍一个典型Facebook 应用程序的用例
Urethra management system is a typical use of management information systems cases.
In many cases, typical markup for common interface components has already provided several elements for our use.
In many cases, typical markup for common interface components has already provided several elements for our use.