The bustling port on the Black Sea was an easy gateway from the poorest parts of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova to western Europe and the Arab states.
Romania is situated in southeastern Europe, bordered by Ukraine and Moldova in the northeast; Hungary in the west; Serbia and Bulgaria to the south along the Danube River.
In many ways the bigger test of the EU's commitment to enlargement lies to its east, in countries like Moldova and, above all, Ukraine.
That really could set a dangerous precedent, in Ukraine, Moldova and—not least—inside Russia itself.
After the August war, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the three Caucasus countries of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, all crave reassurance against an irredentist Russia.
If Ukraine were kept out, it could easily fall back under the sway of a newly resurgent Russia; and the knock-on effects for other vulnerable places, such as Georgia and Moldova, could be serious.
That really could set a dangerous precedent, in Ukraine, Moldova and-not least-inside Russia itself.
Except for the three Baltic nations, the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Moldova and Central Asia) is not on the path to integration with the West.
Overall, Turkcell leads the market in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Northern Cyprus. It also has toeholds in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.
The Danube has its source in Germany. If flows through 10 countries, coursing at its end past Moldova and through Ukraine before emptying into the Black Sea.
Mr Medvedev is now making menacing statements about Ukraine and Moldova and is replicating its Georgia strategy in the Crimea by distributing Russian passports.
They include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Tajikistan.
They include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Tajikistan.