One idea for how the ulnar nerve got its silly name is the fact that the nerve also runs through the humerus bone in your upper arm.
In most spots along this route the ulnar nerve stays hidden within muscles and other tissue.
In fact, you've just hit your ulnar nerve, which controls feeling in your pinky and ring fingers, and helps control the muscles in the wrist, as well as parts of the hand.
Those are the fingers that are innervated-their sensation is supplied-by the ulnar nerve.
Intervention: Surgical repair of a distal humerus fracture with or without ulnar nerve transposition.
Prospective studies using careful preoperative nerve evaluation and systematic postoperative nerve assessment are likely to identify an even higher incident of postoperative ulnar nerve dysfunction.
Intervention: All patients underwent ORIF of a distal humerus fracture with or without anterior subcutaneous ulnar nerve transposition based on surgeon preference.
Objective: To provide morphological basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment in ulnar nerve extrusion and ulnar tunnel syndrome.
Repeated traction and compression on the ulnar nerve during elbow flexion and extension is the anatomical foundation of ulnar nerve compression at the elbow.
Objective: To investigate the effect of ulnar nerve relaxation and anterior submuscular transposition on the treatment of cubit tunnel syndrome.
Objective: To investigate the effect of ulnar nerve relaxation and anterior subcutaneous transposition on the treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome.
Conclusion: The ulnar nerve relaxation and anterior subcutaneous transposition is a good operation in treating cubital tunnel syndrome.
Conclusion: The improper operation of hypodermic implantation can cause mechanical stimulus of ulnar nerve.
Results We got out the data of stretch ultimate load, maximum stress, maximum strain, elastic modulus on elbow joint ulnar nerve between control group and experimental group.
Objective To improve the early diagnosis of the ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome and direct the treatment.
Objective: To repair skin defect of the little finger pulps using the reversed cutaneous neurovascular flap with the dorsal branch of ulnar nerve.
Results:There was no iatrogenic ulnar nerve injury caused by the Kirschner wires.
Objective To present the methods and results of treatment for ulnar nerve injuries.
Pillar scar pain, injury of the ulnar nerve and superficial palmar arch were not found.
Objective To study the treatment of subcutaneous anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve with its peripheral fascia.
Is Ulnar Nerve Transposition Beneficial During Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Humerus Fractures?
Objective To investigate effect of ulnar nerve compression and anterior submuscular transposition in the treatment of cubit tunnel syndrome.
Conclusion We found that the fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi can compress the deep branch of the ulnar nerve causing motor deficit of the intrinsic muscles of hands.
Objective: To investigate the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of deep branch of ulnar nerve entrapment.
The results showed that in all the ulnar nerves there are fibers ofthe seventh cervical nerve which add into the ulnar nerve mainly through 4 communicating parts.
Conclusion: It is suggested to the types and the dangerous segments and the dangerous region of the muscular branches of ulnar nerve.
Objective to describe and report the result of ulnar nerve transfer to biceps brachii to restore the function of elbow flexion after injuries of upper brachial plexus.
Objective to describe and report the result of ulnar nerve transfer to biceps brachii to restore the function of elbow flexion after injuries of upper brachial plexus.