Daddy and Mommy, unable to return home.
Many of them have also been unable to return home, sometimes for decades.
Pick one place right outside your home for sudden emergencies and one place outside of your neighborhood in case you are unable to return home right away.
Imagine that you are unable to take off the day after your last day of work and, worse, you might have to return to the office immediately after returning home!
But it says millions of internally displaced people are still unable or unwilling to return home.
The merchant was unable to agree to such a bargain. After promising the Beast that he would return, he rode home to say good-bye to his children.
Relatives away from home as warring broke out, got stuck at destination points, literally trapped in remote cities unable to return to their families all these long months.
Relatives away from home as warring broke out, got stuck at destination points, literally trapped in remote cities unable to return to their families all these long months.