Also note the continuing pattern of unchecked exceptions, which keeps the code remarkably concise.
While most of the time, we never intend to throw unchecked exceptions, it does sometimes happen anyway.
Instead, you should use unchecked exceptions for such conditions, so that you can optionally handle these conditions.
You don't have to handle exceptions at this level because Spring translates them to a common set of unchecked exceptions.
您不必在这个级别上处理异常,因为Spring 将它们转换为一套通用的未检查异常(unchecked exceptions)。
Test failures are indicated by throwing unchecked exceptions, typically by using JUnit-provided assertion and failure methods.
The ServiceLocator can also translate the checked exceptions (that get thrown during lookup or creation of the bean) into unchecked exceptions.
For example, if the stock exchange system runs into a problem, the service might fail to obtain the quote with some kind of unchecked exceptions.
Using introduction, aspects can add new methods and variables to a class, declare that a class implements an interface, or convert checked to unchecked exceptions.
使用引入(Introduction),Aspect可以向类中添加新的方法和变量、声明一个类实现一个接口或将检查异常转换为未检查异常(unchecked exception)。
Unchecked exceptions which are descendents of RuntimeException class are the ideal candidate exceptions handle non-recoverable errors such as resource non-availability or some null Pointers.
As mentioned previously, the exceptions in this hierarchy are unchecked.
Also note that Objectify's exceptions are unchecked - which means I don't have to worry about catching a bunch of exception types.
Use unchecked, run-time exceptions to report serious unexpected errors that may indicate an error in the program's logic.
Use unchecked, run-time exceptions to report serious unexpected errors that may indicate an error in the program's logic.