What this actually means is unclear, but 725 customers is such an insignificant number that one has to wonder why it was mentioned at all.
At least 24 men are thought to be trapped but the exact number underground at the time of the incident remains unclear, the agency said.
It remains unclear what is happening with the Number-3 reactor, which is fueled by a mix of uranium and plutonium.
While it's unclear how many of these products also claim to be natural, given all the greenwashing going on these days, it's likely to number in the thousands.
If you have a number of dark skinned people, dark colors like navy and black will blend into the skin and make for an unclear picture.
Light sleepers may benefit from boosting the number of spindles in their brains, though the researchers acknowledge they are still unclear how the boost could be achieved.
And with that number forecast to hit 9 billion by 2050, the future of organic farming remains unclear.
Last year the number of working centrifuges at Natanz dropped, though it is unclear whether this was the result of Stuxnet.
Last year a number of other superb Hellenistic pieces were also found at Vani, though whether these were made there or imported is still unclear.
Where the ID card number of the joint signer is not provided, or is wrong or unclear.
In Taji, north of Baghdad, the number of factory workers still being held by gunmen who seized them Wednesday is unclear.
The number of reactors that will be able to restart at some point in the future is unclear.
Although a large number of people continue to take vitamin supplements, the long-term health benefits remain unclear.
Although a large number of people continue to take vitamin supplements, the long-term health benefits remain unclear.