Starting next year, any guaranteed bonus of top executives could be delayed 10 years if their banks are under investigation for wrongdoing.
Two other 91 year olds are under investigation for similar alleged crimes.
The FAA says four airlines are under investigation for not complying with aviation regulations.
Three of the child's siblings are under investigation for possible infection and are also receiving care.
Stanford is also reportedly under investigation for laundering money on behalf of Mexico's infamous Gulf Cartel.
In addition to the confirmed fatal case, two patients under investigation for possible H5N1 infection have died.
Staff at the WHO country office in Niger reported today that no human cases are presently under investigation for possible H5N1 infection.
The Ministry of Health has further informed WHO of a third human case of respiratory illness that is under investigation for possible H5N1 infection.
Samples from an initial 15 patients under investigation for possible infection were tested today at a US Naval Medical Research Unit located in Cairo, Egypt.
The Roman Catholic Church said Mr Gotti Tedeschi who's under investigation for alleged money laundering had failed in the primary functions of his office.
Jackson shocked the world when he died on June 25 from a drug over dose caused by an anaesthetic injected by his personal physician, who is now under investigation for causing his death.
The President of Shenzhen Airlines, China's fifth - largest carrier, has been removed from his position and is under investigation for unspecified "economic crimes", according to the airline.
中国第五大航空公司深圳航空(Shenzhen Airlines)宣布,该公司总裁李昆因涉嫌“经济犯罪”已被革除职务,正在接受调查。深航并未说明其具体罪行。
Over 100 companies are known to be under investigation for allegedly backdating options to value them at low points in their share prices, and several hundred more have come under suspicion.
Under Cain's direction they set about collecting Numbers, writing notes, and closing out their logs, for the investigation that was certain to follow.
Samples from 11 patients under investigation in Azerbaijan for possible H5N1 infection have now been tested at a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom.
The source of infection for all three cases is still under investigation.
The source of exposure for the initial case is still under investigation, with exposure to infected poultry or an environment contaminated by their faeces considered the most plausible source.
The attack targeted as many as 34 different companies or other entities, according to two people familiar with the investigation, which has been under way for weeks.
The plea could prove bad news for others under investigation in the case, which have included Madoff family members, employees and some large investors.
In fact, several years ago I investigated the "best case" for psychic detectives for my book Scientific Paranormal Investigation, and found that it fell apart under close analysis.
We either make a blanket filter change, or add in a custom rule for the specific package or class under investigation.
She says the reasons for the crash are still under investigation. But, the cause was probably due to bad weather.
The official said that the motive for the attack was unclear and an investigation was under way.
The rocket uses a nuclear engine, a technology that was under serious investigation for a long time (and may yet see its day in space).
On January 28th Mr Kerviel was placed under formal investigation for abuse of trust, breaching computer security and falsifying documents.
A program written by Toine Schreurs of Utrecht University that can examine and compare two structure-factor files was then used to examine the data deposited for the structures under investigation.
A program written by Toine Schreurs of Utrecht University that can examine and compare two structure-factor files was then used to examine the data deposited for the structures under investigation.