Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.
She sought the election under the banner of equal rights.
She fought the election under the banner of equal rights.
There are a lot of people who cheat under the banner of Buddhism.
Under the banner of education, we herd our children from ballet to basketball and back again.
Lebanon, briefly euphoric under the banner of people-power six years ago, is torn by sectarian rivalry.
Originally formed under the banner of DreamWorks SKG, it was spun-off into a separate public company in 2004.
Francine Prose's characters seem to live under the banner of that famous Rilke line: "you must change your life."
Under the banner of Hunan Satellite TV show Happy China, Happy Girls' advertising has broken through 100 million RMB.
But in the year 622 Asia, marching under the banner of a brand-new prophet, was once more ready for the unequal struggle.
Now the company for the first time is offering holistic textile finishing solutions under the banner of resource management.
I hate sloppy or haphazard writing whether it flies under the banner of experimentation or else is just clumsily rendered realism.
The 16th Asian Games will also have far reaching effects in Asia when all Athletes gather under the banner of a "Harmonious Asia".
Select a character and get on your way to the new world to lead the colonies to bloom and prosperity under the banner of the royal house.
"The Chinese historically have been concerned with those sensitive foreign influences that fall under the banner of 'cultural pollution'," Malish said.
Everything should be properly studied, analyzed and in perfect harmony with the client to provide these services under the banner of the highest quality and efficiency.
The relation and cooperation of law and its theory make the social gender and the class model constantly deduced, constructed and strengthened under the banner of neutrality.
To introduce this feature we re-examine six classics published over the past half-century or so that illustrate the wide variety of books that march under the banner of business.
A way to try and split the difference has been propounded by a group of Earth-system scientists inspired by (and including) Dr Crutzen under the banner of "planetary boundaries".
Make calculated exceptions: That said, there are times when you should be willing to negotiate, whether it's under the banner of employee morale (your own) or business development.
The Eclipse Mylyn project has been promoted to a top level Eclipse project under the banner of Application Lifecycle Management tools (though the Mylyn name is being kept as a short name).
There might be a case to be made for new legislation that specifically prohibits the posting of obscene materials under the banner of protecting young minds from immoral or corrupt influences.
Our flag is the mark of one country, one people, uniting under one banner.
Under the broad banner of tax “dodging”, these companies are being accused of various manoeuvres which in fact seem to be perfectly legal and often desirable (who wants to pay too much tax?).
Under the broad banner of tax “dodging”, these companies are being accused of various manoeuvres which in fact seem to be perfectly legal and often desirable (who wants to pay too much tax?).