The Underground Gas Storage Depot Project Optimization Method Based on "Grey Situation Decision";
This paper studies the node analysis method for constructing an underground gas storage bank system.
A key for constructing underground gas storage is selection of underground space suitable for gas storage.
Underground gas storage is one of the major means for ensuring the safe and stable gas supply in each country.
During the test of Ku1 well in Da Zhangtuo underground gas storage tank, MHS packer is blocked and set in stage collar of deviated section.
It is suggested that oil recovery can be improved in fractured buried hill reservoirs by building underground gas storage while injecting gas.
The reliability of designing and evaluation method proposed in the article is approved by the practice of underground gas storage construction.
This paper summarizes the application of tracer test in underground gas storage reservoir in foreign country when made research on mixing problem.
The usage value of the underground gas storage depends on the effective volume, maximum daily gas output and other design parameters of gas recovery.
The design scenario of underground gas storage involves in many factors, no any best design scenario can be taken as only based on some "good" or "bad" factors.
These results are given realistic boundary conditions, an analysis of the constitutive relationship of rock underground gas storage, and eventually established a model.
Smooth and safe operation of underground gas storage facilities is guaranteed by the design of observation wells, the plugging of old wells, and safety designs, etc… f.
This paper evaluates underground gas storage on the base of combining the particularity of long-distance transporting pipeline, and gets economic benefit incarnate cost.
Underground gas storage stability of surrounding rock is directly related to the normal use of the gas storage project, which is a question worthy of study and exploration.
Underground Gas Storage is the recovery of natural gas and natural gas fields will inject the gas underground space can be preserved and formed an artificial gas reservoir.
天然气地下储气库是将从天然气田采出的气再注入可以保存气体的地下空间,而形成的一种人工气藏 。
Besides the second long-distance pipeline, expansion of Dazhangtuo underground gas storage project and other new underground gas storage projects will be constructed as well.
Dynamic injection and production model of injection and production gas well of gas storage is built on the base of studying numerical simulation data of underground gas storage.
Dazhangtuo underground gas storage takes the sands of condensate reservoir as storing beds. The beds have the characteristics of pressure shortfall and high porosity and permeability.
The underground gas storage can adjust the balance between the supplement and consumption, harmonize the variation of supplydemand relationship, store the strategic reserve and so on.
The Suggestions for the construction scale and plan of underground gas storage are given out in the paper according to the characteristics of the West-East gas Pipeline and market loads.
In area south of Yangtze River it is difficult to find a proper underground gas storage. The peak regulation by means of LNG and safety measurement has more advantage, than by the pipeline.
The characteristics and technical indexes, key technologies, operation accidents, countermeasures and safety technical measures of high-pressure underground gas storage well are introduced.
On the basis of theories of performance of aquifer gas storage in foreign countries. The prediction model of performance of underground gas storages rebuilt by sandstone reservoirs are established.
Instead, spent fuel rods in the U.S. are currently stored in underground pools of water or in dry-cask storage, where older fuel is put into steel cans filled with inert gas and then stored in silos.
When heated somewhat, the carbon dioxide reverts to a gas that can be pumped underground or into another storage facility.
The leading technology for carbon capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing carbon-dioxide gas then storing it underground in oil and gas reservoirs, and other porous areas.
The gas leak was due to ruptured underground storage tanks at gas stations near the St. Ives shopping center. The sharks certainly weren't deterred by the leak.
The gas leakage from underground storage not only means loss of money but also means reduce of gas supply to market.
The gas leakage from underground storage not only means loss of money but also means reduce of gas supply to market.