For Treasury bonds, rising interest rates are the main form of risk; for corporate, municipal and other bonds, the financial soundness of the underlying assets raises another kind of risk.
Asset-Backed Securities: the actual yield received may vary according to the rate at which the underlying receivable or other financial assets are prepaid.
What allowed symbolic financial assets to become so disconnected from underlying real assets?
Similar as options as a financial derivative products, the issuance of warrants will have an impact on the underlying assets.
Derivatives instruments are derived from underlying cash assets that can be bought, sold and traded in a similar way to shares or any other financial instrument.
金融衍生工具由现货市场的标的资产(underlyingcash assets)衍生出来,标的资产的交易方式如同股票或其他金融工具。
Derivatives instruments are derived from underlying cash assets that can be bought, sold and traded in a similar way to shares or any other financial instrument.
金融衍生工具由现货市场的标的资产(underlyingcash assets)衍生出来,标的资产的交易方式如同股票或其他金融工具。