In this work, copper underpotential deposition on gold is studied under realistic electrochemical conditions
Thin-layer electrochemical studies of the underpotential deposition(UPD) of Bi and Te on cold rolled silver substrate have been performed.
We report here on the influence of surface electrification, concentration effects, and anion co-adsorption on the stability of the copper underpotential deposition layer on the gold (100) surface.
本研究报道了界面带电、浓度效应、阴离子共吸附对铜在金( 100 )表面的欠电位沉积层的稳定性所造成的影响。
We report here on the influence of surface electrification, concentration effects, and anion co-adsorption on the stability of the copper underpotential deposition layer on the gold (100) surface.
本研究报道了界面带电、浓度效应、阴离子共吸附对铜在金( 100 )表面的欠电位沉积层的稳定性所造成的影响。