The laser at photovoltaic cells mounted on the pelican's underside, charged the chopper's battery, keeping it aloft for 12 hours and 27 minutes.
Through stubby spinneys of akeake, I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern.
When pouring molten glass onto the molten tin, the underside of the glass would also be perfectly flat.
If it started to rain, she would share her umbrella with me, and I would get to see the underside of a toadstool for the very first time!
The underside of the rock was covered with seaweed.
The last two screws to remove is the one at the underside of the base.
I like seeing the underside of life, "she says," and the money's very good.
Its underside, strangely, is brown with "eyes" - a typical camouflage technique.
The surface of an ice shelf gets covered by snow, but the underside is very pure ice.
Indian police watch as a security guard USES a mirror to check the underside of a car.
Once the koala is dinging to the dog's underside, the dog can't get at it with its jaws.
When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze to the underside.
Van Norden has put away his pipe and packed a wad of snuff on the underside of his lower lip.
I'm not sure, but I think we got a report from the Underside that they're tracking objects as well.
Pressure on the underside of the thighs from an incorrect (too high) seat position makes this worse.
Through stubby spinneys of akeake I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern.
The system is contained almost entirely in a single pod that mounts to the underside of the fuselage.
To draw lines, the etch a Sketch's stylus scrapes aluminum powder from the underside of a glass screen.
The light then bounces off the bottom mirror, and then bounces again off the underside of the top mirror.
Ladybugs lay their eggs in clusters or rows on the underside of a leaf, usually where aphids have gathered.
Whereas rabbits' corneas can regenerate on the underside of the eye, human corneas regenerate on the surface.
Griffith realized the problem then: She'd driven onto railroad tracks and the underside of her car was caught.
Plants take in water through their roots, then release it through small pores on the underside of their leaves.
It will raise its horns and tilt its back to appear too large to eat, before flipping over to reveal a wide, white underside.
He and other team members will drill through the ice to measure the underside of the ice and the ocean and currents beneath it.
With it "installed, " though, she reported a slight breeze only when placing her fingers very close to the underside of the door.
The company fitted Citroen electric cars with receiver pads on the underside of the car, allowing the batteries to be charged wirelessly.
Photo 7 :Swarms of krill, a cornerstone of the entire Antarctic food chain, feed on phytoplankton that grows on the underside of sea ice.
图7:成群的磷虾是整个南极动物食物链的基础。 它们以浮游生物为食,生长在海冰的上层。
Carmen Elcira was very aware that he still had his hand around her wrist, his thumb firm against the underside, where her skin was smoothest.
Carmen Elcira was very aware that he still had his hand around her wrist, his thumb firm against the underside, where her skin was smoothest.