Translating word for word may lead the readers in wrong directions towards the understanding of the original text.
And the translating activity is also concerned with the understanding of the original text, so hermeneutics is closely related to translation.
He intervenes in the choice and the understanding of the original text, the cultural transfer of it while fully considering the reader of the translated version.
The basic idea of Hermeneutics is about the relationship between understanding and the original meaning of the text.
Accurate reappearance of culture - oriented words in the target text plays a crucial role in literature translation, for they exert direct influence on the understanding of the original.
So if just recite the original text literally a little explanation, and not deep, comprehensive understanding of "the Analects" Chapters of the spirit.
In the process of translation, the correct understanding of an original text on the part of a translator is a prerequisite to precise translation work.
In the process of translation, the correct understanding of an original text on the part of a translator is a prerequisite to precise translation work.