However, our fascination with the latest, and our undervaluation of what has already become common, has led us in all sorts of wrong directions.
In the long term, however, the yen's huge undervaluation means that it will eventually bounce back.
On the first, estimates of the extent of undervaluation vary hugely: some even argue the renminbi is overvalued.
How long can the currency undervaluation blame game or the finger-pointing about the fuelling of inflation last?
This curiously precise figure was the midpoint of a range of estimates (15-40%) of the yuan's undervaluation.
对人民币价值偏低率的估计被定在了15- 40%之间,所提出的这一严谨而精确地数字则取了一个中间值。
In buoyant markets, by contrast, both the number of undervalued securities and their degree of undervaluation declines.
They argue that Asian economies are pursuing a deliberate policy of currency undervaluation to ensure strong export-led growth.
Then, the paper analyzes the harm of RMB exchange rate misalignment, the reason of long-run undervaluation, and sustainability.
It says that the great mistake of Western culture, through most of its history, has been the undervaluation of this femininity.
But nine of the 13 models signal undervaluation, with the median value suggesting the yen is 15% too cheap-the weakest currency in the chart.
And the Peterson Institute was not actually recommending a 41 per cent appreciation, but only trying to put a number on the level of undervaluation.
The infamous Schumer-Graham bill, which proposed a 27.5% tariff on all Chinese goods to offset the yuan's alleged undervaluation, was withdrawn last year.
The legislation would allow the US to use estimates of currency undervaluation to calculate countervailing duties on imports from China and other countries.
The legislation would allow the us to use estimates of currency undervaluation to calculate countervailing duties on imports from China and other countries.
Chinese economy has been in a state of external and internal imbalances for some years, which has something to do with the undervaluation of renminbi (RMB).
Some estimates I've heard suggest that at current rates of inflation, Chinese undervaluation could be gone in two or three years - not soon enough, but sooner than many expected.
Some estimates I've heard suggest that at current rates of inflation, Chinese undervaluation could be gone in two or three years - not soon enough, but sooner than many expected.