In a surprising number of real-life cases, some minor or not-so-minor problems that contribute to a bigger problem can go undetected for a long time.
This enables advanced problem detection by feeding alerts to business Events to detect hidden patterns in the alerts and indicate a potential business problem that might otherwise go undetected.
Physicians play an important role, too, said Weiss. "Unless physicians ask the right questions and are aware of inhalant use [as a potential problem], then it might go undetected."
The problem was exacerbated by an undetected memory leak. My kingdom for managed code!
Over the years the damage creeps on, undetected, and the problem ignored.
Obertan's summer on the sidelines was due to a back problem that went undetected at Bordeaux, an injury that hampered his development in the last 18 months.
Obertan's summer on the sidelines was due to a back problem that went undetected at Bordeaux, an injury that hampered his development in the last 18 months.