Skin long exposure to the ultraviolet, pollution and emotional stress of working life and so could cause or contribute to acne appears, uneven skin tone.
You should be wearing an SPF 30 every day, not only to protect against skin cancer but to prevent fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, and uneven skin tone.
Contain a variety of nutrition, repair and improve dark and uneven skin tone, keep skin transparent and shining from within, reveal natural motion and flawless charm.
Improves uneven skin tone, reduces yellowish skin and carves out a sharp and beautiful face contour while prevents melanin formation and blocks environmental irritation.
"Minerals work well with oily skin, have a natural SPF, and enhance the protective effect of antioxidant enzymes in the skin that help prevent fine lines and uneven tone, " advises Graf.
I started using EX WHITE 2 serum-this has really helped with my uneven skin-tone.
我一开始是使用了传明酸淡斑美白精华液2 -这个产品真的使我肤色不均匀的问题改善不少。
Unique LCR light refracting factor, perfectly conceal pores and uneven tone, make skin silky and shining.
Usage: Use after skin cleaning, apply the essence onto desired part and skin with uneven tone, then extend it onto whole face.
Usage: Use after skin cleaning, apply the essence onto desired part and skin with uneven tone, then extend it onto whole face.