Since then, Michael has lived an unexceptional life.
Mr Radulovich was in most ways unexceptional.
At the time, I thought it normal and unexceptional.
These were clinically normal flocks with unexceptional mortality.
Balance is relative and temporary and the relatively balanced world structure is unexceptional.
No signs announce its presence in this unexceptional little beach town filled with cheap restaurants and souvenir shops.
Their ability to attack low and fast, and their unexceptional personal abilities, both greatly influence Chinese team's overall attack.
Growers producing unexceptional coffee must either cut costs to compete with big, mechanised farms-impossible for most-or improve quality.
The execution, carried out last month by Iraq's largest Shiite militia, would have been unexceptional but for one fact: The victim was one of its own.
A plasma containing 1018 electrons per cubic centimeter (an unexceptional number) can generate a wave with a peak electric field of 100 billion volts per meter.
Being exceptionally bright does not necessarily mean being successful: for instance, most members of the Mensa society for people with high IQs remain unexceptional.
ONE measure of Japan’s dysfunction is the way its system allows weak politicians to rise to the top then spits out each new prime minister in favour of the next unexceptional man.
ONE measure of Japan's dysfunction is the way its system allows weak politicians to rise to the top then spits out each new prime minister in favour of the next unexceptional man.
But it couldn't have been easy being Billy Ripken either, an unexceptional major league 4 infielder craning his neck for notice while the press swarmed around Hall of Famer and elder brother Cal.
In the Chinese game Go, a single unexceptional move may alter the direction of play such that it turns out to switch the game in a player's favour, no matter the odds against him when it is played.
In the Chinese game Go, a single unexceptional move may alter the direction of play such that it turns out to switch the game in a player's favour, no matter the odds against him when it is played.