The weather made it unfeasible to be outdoors.
Opening up new farmland was a possibility, but most of what was suitable had already been exploited and further reclamation was technically unfeasible.
The board said the idea was unfeasible .
To conclude, it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs in just one basket.
We conclude that conditions in the Yemen make this project fundamentally unfeasible.
When solving the knapsack question, repair function was used to repair unfeasible code.
Though possible in theory, the cost and effort of doing so makes this unfeasible in practice.
Come to at last, they came to realize that the planned economy is unfeasible in their country.
In this case, the time required to record the steps for all of the test cases might be unfeasible.
Strict Japanese labour laws make "involuntary" lay-offs unfeasible for all but the frailest companies.
It's physically unfeasible for us to spread this MV to all mass media in your countries, so we ask you to help promote this video.
Although these creatures are tenacious, there are more dangers waiting for them. It is usually an unfeasible prospect to adequate food.
Verification is complex in logic and unfeasible in practice, while falsification is simple in logic but the same difficulty in practice.
Oil doesn't get the same harsh treatment because Hansen thinks the idea of weaning ourselves off of oil in such short order is unfeasible.
The conflict, vacancy and unfeasible solutions may appear when the traditional genetic algorithms are applied into the optimizing allocation.
We improve on the encoding schema of GA to solve JSP, it reduces occurrence of the unfeasible scheduling solution, then enhances the quality of GA.
The enormity of the project suggests work lasted several months at least, probably several years, which makes it unfeasible that it might be Kidd's treasure.
Salary caps are common in American sports, but the English Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore said the US system would be unfeasible in England.
One cannot say that there is no British Intelligence on the matter, as it is quite unfeasible that the existence of the technology is not classified information.
The procedure proves unfeasible for blood transfusions, but paves the way for successful organ transplantation, for which Carrel receives the Nobel Prize in 1912.
Last month Vince Cable, the Lib Dem business secretary whose department covers universities, said opposition to fees was unfeasible in the current economic climate.
Outlawing the payment of ransoms seems unfeasible unless there is clear evidence (none exists so far) that some of the money is finding its way into terrorist hands.
Of course, working with the output of the generation of all possible permutations of test inputs could quickly become unfeasible (depending on the application under test).
Searching variables in two level hierarchy, it is possible to avoid the appearance of unfeasible results. So the search space is greatly reduced and efficiency is improved.
Construction work began on the stadium in 1933 but was soon halted when it became abundantly clear that the sheer size of the original project made it financially unfeasible.
Based on the experience of practical projects, we found that it was unfeasible to treat the pharmaceutical wastewater only with biological methods, it even caused the death of sludge.
There are a number of unfeasible scheduling solutions in the Job-shop Scheduling Problem (JSP), it seriously affects the quality of Genetic Algorithms(GA) searching for the best solution.
在作业车间调度问题中,存在大量的不可行调度解,严重影响了遗传算法查找 最 优调度的质量。
There are a number of unfeasible scheduling solutions in the Job-shop scheduling Problem (JSP), it seriously affects the quality of Genetic Algorithms (GA) searching for the best solution.
There are a number of unfeasible scheduling solutions in the Job-shop scheduling Problem (JSP), it seriously affects the quality of Genetic Algorithms (GA) searching for the best solution.