Theorem 3 X is a bornologic space if and only if every uniformly bounded set of linear operators from X to Y is equicontinuous.
It is proved that all the signals in the adaptive control system are globally uniformly bounded, and the regulation error converges to zero asymptotically.
Using multiple Lyapunov functions, a sufficient condition is derived to ensure that the switched nonlinear systems are uniformly bounded and uniformly ultimate bounded.
It is proved in this paper that the tracking error is ultimately uniformly bounded, and the numerical simulation shows that the proposed method is feasible and efficient.
It is shown that the state estimation errors are uniformly bounded and the estimation errors can be made arbitrarily small by choosing some design parameters appropriately.
The designed controller guarantees that the state of the obtained closed loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded.
The proposed control law can guarantee the system uniformly ultimately bounded.
Is this the best way to get a bounded, random result, uniformly distributed over a column value?
By theoretical(analysis, ) the closed-loop control system is proven to be semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, (with) tracking error converging to a residual set.
By theoretical analysis, the closed-loop control system is proved to be semi-global uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB), and the output tracking error converges to a neighborhood of zero.
We also prove that all solutions of the system are uniformly ultimately bounded.
By theoretical analysis, the closed-loop control system is proved to be semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded with tracking error converging to zero.
The simulation results show that the system output can track the desired output exponentially and all states of the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded.
The simulation results show that the system output can track the desired output exponentially and all states of the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded.