Q. Is there a unifying theme to your 20 academic and popular books?
There is a unifying theme, and that is the theme of information flow within biological systems.
The result is a book of light poetry with a unifying theme rather than a series of lessons set to verse.
The unifying theme is homeostatic mechanisms in health and disease, from simpler model systems all the way to the clinic.
The unifying theme of this course is best captured by the title of our main reference book: 'Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics'.
Modern science began in the early 18 th century. The unifying theme and objective was that an orderly God had created an orderly world.
Despite the lack of a unifying theme, there's an underlying message to both books, according to Levitt and Dubner, which is that "people respond to incentives".
There edoes, however, seem to be one unifying theme and that is a resurgence in economicnationalism, with a collapse in support for internationalism or globalisation.
然而,这里的确有一个统一的主题,那就是经济民族主义的复兴,伴随着对国际主义或全球化的支持大幅下降。 。
The unifying theme is a focus on risk management: the risks of a particular product or financial service, the risks to a firm, and the systemic risks to society as a whole.
The idea wasn't bad: to have a controlling image that describes the system in terms everyone can understand and gives it a unifying theme that allows the team to know where new things fit.
There is no unifying plan or theme.
Rather than an overarching theme or a unifying project for the whole semester, our curriculum will jump each week to a new topic, building methods of critical inquiry along the way.
Rather than an overarching theme or a unifying project for the whole semester, our curriculum will jump each week to a new topic, building methods of critical inquiry along the way.