From Korea to Japan to the United States, schools are putting English speaking robots in front of their students.
If China were faced with a united front, it might go along, however reluctantly.
We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group!
But economic analysts say that what is just as crucial is that the leaders project a united front and a commitment to coordinate efforts to combat the crisis.
AIG's united front was misleading, however.
A team approach can help establish a united front against illness, and more importantly, promote our health.
Despite the frustration felt by foreign credit-card companies at the limits to what they can do in China, they have yet to take a united front.
At the outset, both Jesse and I saw it as an opportunity to bridge our differences and build a united front for the campaign.
Moving as a massive, united front, they depend entirely on the element of surprise.
We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group.
To be responsible for the united front work for youth of the Ministry.
A united front on security, even though it means sharing ideas with your rivals, can make your company stronger.
Despite the united front at the G20 bash, multilateralism remains a hard sell when the time comes to stump up.
Chinese mandarins only understand power play and need a united front to stem their rise.
It has been suggested that in order to present a united front to a threatening world, the minority should now surrender its convict ions and join the majority.
We may argue among ourselves, but against the management we must present a united front.
Only when the united front cadre sets up good personal prestige can they make friends with outside the Party and do their own job well.
Conclusion the united front to rear the operation of fractured vertebra reset difficult can achieve better of his recovery.
We might argue among ourselves , but against the management we must present a united front, ie act and speak as a group.
The personal prestige as one of the forms of expression of noble character' s charm, plays very important rule in the united front work.
The art of the united front work is the ingenious application of the united front working method and the rational distillation of the united front working experience.
The wide application of Internet has offered a new carrier and channels for university's united front work, and it has brought many new challenges, too.
Objective to explore the united front to rear the operation of a fractured vertebra closed resets the difficulties of his term.
The noble character 's charm is the basis to do the united front work.
This function should work together with the other functions of united front work at universities, and can be fulfilled by means of contact, investigation and study, coordination and so on.
The U. s. military worked with longtime Allies Japan and South Korea this week to project a united front-but also sought to keep its partners in check to avoid exacerbating regional tensions.
Overseas Chinese language education has a basic position in overseas united front work, and which is a major task and a new growth point of overseas united front work.
Strengthening the construction of the university united front culture will make great contribution and promotion to building a harmonious campus.
Strengthening the construction of the university united front culture will make great contribution and promotion to building a harmonious campus.