The fact that a DB2 UDB SAMPLE database is used by the server is unknown to this client (and the client doesn't require the DB2 client drivers installed to work).
对于该客户机来说,它不知道该服务器使用DB 2UDBSAMPLE数据库这个事实(并且,该客户机不要求安装DB 2客户机驱动程序)。
A sample of a known compound must be utilized in order to assure identification of the unknown compound.
In the reliability theory, reliability function and its inverse function are usually unknown and need to be estimated by using sample.
Three samples consisted of standard or quasi-standard substances with known specific activities of some nuclides while the radioactivity of the other sample was unknown.
Methods:Use the Grating Spectrograph to take photograph of atomic emission spectrum of unknown sample and make quantitative analysis Results:Quantitative determination of trace elements in nutriment.
Such methods are reliable, easy-operating and particularly fit for the preparative separation and analysis of the sample containing unknown amino acids.
The early-warning model can distinguish the known sample data completely. After the preliminary use, the early-warning model can accurate distinguish almost the unknown sample data.
The model is good by predicting protein concentration of wheat flour with different unknown sample groups. Its error is less than 1 0.
对不同未知样本进行了预测,结果表明,所建模型具有一定的稳定性,对未知样品蛋白质浓度的测量偏差较小,其最大偏差不超过1 .0。
When trying to identify an unknown substance, the sample must first be simplified as much as possible into its constituent compounds.
The meaning of symbolic regression is that we are searching for a function that closely matches an unknown expression based on a finite set of sample data, in order to analyze and forecast data.
Successfully completed the all-year work I was in ged with, and smoothly passed the assessment of unknown sample which was conducted by the Yangtze Water Environment Monitoring Center.
A pioneering British expedition to sample a lake under the Antarctic ice hopes to find unknown forms of life and clues to future climate impacts.
A method of reducing matric effects to make the matric of unknown sample similar to standard sample was introduced.
In particular, we focus discussion on joint confidence sets of the parameter mean and variance when a rounded sample comes from the normal distribution with both parameters unknown.
After the sample is analyzed, the response to the unknown concentration is compared to the internal standard and an accurate measurement of the concentration of the substance of interest is obtained.
DNA fingerprint analysis furthermore identified one sample from unknown source was Hebao red carp and one Xingguo red carp so called in Nanchang was a promiscuous common carp.
The operator places a small sample of the unknown substance on the sensor and a touchscreen program gives step-by-step directions for the complete analysis.
So, if you've surfed and become infected by some malware, you can bet that it is undetectable by your anti-virus, because this concrete sample is still unknown by any anti-virus company!
So, if you've surfed and become infected by some malware, you can bet that it is undetectable by your anti-virus, because this concrete sample is still unknown by any anti-virus company!