The unloading point, for example, which is regarded as general data, is only relevant for sales and distribution.
When you enter a customer master record for the ship-to party, you need special data for shipping (for example, the unloading point and goods receiving hours).
The fixed end behaves as a plastic hinge, and the plastic region near the point where the concentrated load acts is developing, while that near the fixed end unloading.
The group improves cargo distribution capacity and eases traffic tension by means of accelerating the construction of strategic loading (unloading) point and regional logistic base;
The test results indicate that the stress variation is linear, and the deformation of each measuring point can reset initial value after unloading.
The results indicate that the stress-stain curve of the honeycomb cardboard will first move up to the point of the unloading value with the secondary loading.
Quayside container crane is the transport machinery designed for efficient container loading and unloading widely used in transit point such as ports, railway station.
In the design of die casting die with screw thread, the automatic screw thread unloading is a difficult point.
The whole country's largest single-point mooring, crude oil loading and unloading system of 250,000 tons has already been put into use.
Field research, lab simulation and calculation show that use of tanks without cleaning after unloading of vehicle ethanol gas loading diesel has obvious negative impacts on flash point of diesel.
The automatic screw thread unloading is a difficult point in the design of die casting die for castings with screw thread.
The automatic screw thread unloading is a difficult point in the design of die casting die for castings with screw thread.