You can always unpick the hems on the dungarees if you don't like them.
In America it may take years to unpick this.
Patent free function of unpick and wash washing device, save your time.
She had sewn the wrong bits of material together and so had to unpick the stitches and start again.
But on June 30th France's Senate and National Assembly did their best to unpick Apple's careful weaving.
And a provocative exhibition in Paris which tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous ape man.
While today's school pupils are taught how to read bank statements and unpick financial abbreviations, Which?
With the help of academics, financiers started to unpick the various components of risk and trade them separately.
It is hard to think of two writers better qualified to unpick Lebanon's complexities than David Hirst and Michael Young.
Google Translate is a statistical machine translation system, which means that it doesn't try to unpick or understand anything.
You need lots of love and understanding to help you to get to grips with your feelings and unpick the confusing issues that are overwhelming you.
Of ALL the patterns in nature, one of the simplest, yet hardest to unpick, is that the further you travel from the tropics, the fewer species there are.
The study, described in animal Behavior, Sept. 7, is part of a current trend in primatology to unpick how motivation and mental state affects an animal's interactions.
Recycling second-hand aircraft carrier, overhaul nuclear reactor, unpick and wash missile engine oil, clean aircraft carrier, space shuttle, maintenance, such change.
The trick is to use what is known as a "fast Fourier transform" to unpick more than 300 separate colours of light in a laser beam, each encoded with its own string of information.
These kinds of studies can't unpick cause and effect, but they are important for highlighting trends in how lifestyle factors may influence our risk of dementia for more detailed follow-up.
These kinds of studies can't unpick cause and effect, but they are important for highlighting trends in how lifestyle factors may influence our risk of dementia for more detailed follow-up.