In 1971, the American writer Brautigan invented a postmodern culture imagery of "unpublished Works library" in the novel Abortion.
All his unpublished works on esoteric and theological matters are marked by careful learning, accurate method and extreme sobriety of statement.
More recently, a revision of the U.S. copyright Act in 1976 extended copyright protection to unpublished works and codified what constitutes "fair use."
In 1971, famous writer Brautigan described a literary imagination of unpublished works library in the novel Abortion. The Brautigan library was founded in 1990 in America.
In addition to the original material, each chapter includes excerpts drawn from various works, published and unpublished, by Dr. Murphy, to emphasize key points covered.
Works for entry must be unpublished and original.
Here guarantee the works are the original for the Contest, and unpublished and free from affecting others' intellectual property rights.
Article 2 Works of citizens, legal persons or other organizations of China shall enjoy copyright according to this Law, whether or not they are published or unpublished.
Though Franz Kafka's dying wish was that all of his works-written in, often late at night, and mostly unpublished-be burned, aren't we glad his friend, Max Brod, didn't listen?
Though Franz Kafka's dying wish was that all of his works-written in, often late at night, and mostly unpublished-be burned, aren't we glad his friend, Max Brod, didn't listen?