Mediterranean cooking uses smaller amounts of saturated fat and higher amounts of unsaturated fat, mostly in the form of olive oil.
The ideal type of unsaturated fat is unclear.
The majority of their fat intake, however, was unsaturated fats.
What was originally an unsaturated fat has now become a saturated fat.
The key is in the amount of unsaturated fat that a child consumes.
Insulin production was lower in girls who ate more unsaturated fat.
Mono-unsaturated fat is the healthiest of the fats and remains liquid at room temperature.
And girls with the lowest insulin levels were the ones who consumed the most unsaturated fat.
The more unsaturated fatty acids (double bonds) the more susceptible the fat is to rancidity.
Description: 90 percent of fats in almonds are unsaturated fat they help lower bad cholesterol!
A trans fat is an unsaturated fat which is heated, causing the fluids to evaporate and the fat to solidify.
Salmon is high in unsaturated fatty acid, which can prevent heart disease from reducing blood fat and cholesterol.
They were told to eat mostly protein and fat, and to choose foods with primarily unsaturated fats, like fish, olive oil and nuts.
A membrane that incorporates more unsaturated fats is more fluid, allowing a more efficient flux of oxygen, water, fat, and glucose.
This may not pose a health risk though because most of the fat are unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat helps lower the bad cholesterol (LDL).
OxidATion of milk fAT may occur AT the double bonds in the unsATurATed fATty acids, giving rise to undesirable flavours (see flavours).
Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat, In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.
You will often find the very vague description 'vegetable fats' on the label, meaning they chose the cheapest unsaturated fat available at the time.
Unsaturated fat - Oils that are in a liquid form. They need to be mixed with saturated fats at the base oil stage in order to create a hard bar.
More good news: One-third of the fat in chocolate is a cholesterol-friendly fat called stearic acid, and another third is an unsaturated fat called oleic acid.
Eat your vegetables with a little fat; it helps release their antioxidants. Stick to unsaturated fat - like the kind found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados.
Quite the opposite–a handful of nuts makes a great snack or substitute for meat in a main course, and not only because of the benefits of the unsaturated fat.
In contrast, unsaturated fats, which make up the majority of the fat content in peanut butter, help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.
The best type of fat to consume for good health is unsaturated fats, which include fat molecules that do not have all of their carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms.
Fish: General for Animal fat and more polyunsaturated fatty acids, and fish fat, may contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, has a good cholesterol-lowering effect.
Let's take a look at the peanut butter package. One serving (about 2 tablespoons) has 3.3 grams of saturated fat and 12.3 grams of unsaturated fat, or about 80% unsaturated fat.
This breed of cow is genetically predisposed to intense marbling, and produces a higher percentage of oleaginous, unsaturated fat than any other breed of cattle known in the world.
This breed of cow is genetically predisposed to intense marbling, and produces a higher percentage of oleaginous, unsaturated fat than any other breed of cattle known in the world.