Her friends are all pretty unsavoury characters.
Is he still touting about those unsavoury opinions of his?
Russia is an unsavoury place to do business; that does not make BP's Russian deal wrong.
By digging up a few unsavoury details about his past we managed to have him hounded out.
Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
Despite their unsavoury dining habits they are devoted parents and will guard spawn and tadpoles from predators.
The past offers all sorts of unsavoury stories of behaviour brought into the realm of medicine with dire effects.
Rather, the worry is that unsavoury organisations are coming into the country to take advantage of the Cham revival.
When we step too close to something morally unsavoury at a business meeting or a party, we say: "I wanted to take a shower."
Hiss behaviour at the end was undoubtedly petulant, unsavoury, especially when he pushed aside an Italian official who tried to stop him leaving.
While his roommate shacks up with a local girl and mingles with unsavoury types, Van takes orders, avoids trouble and types letters home to his young wife.
Perhaps, somewhere in the annals of psychological research there could be an answer to my question, and maybe even hints about how to cure myself of this unsavoury habit.
Two other chefs said the cheeses had a heavy shan wei (muttony odour), an ancient term used by southern Chinese to describe the slightly unsavoury tastes associated with the northern nomads.
另外两名厨师说,奶酪有浓重的膻味(羊肉的臭味)。 膻味是南方的老话,用来形容北方游牧民的食物里那种让人有点讨厌的味道。
Two other chefs said the cheeses had a heavy shan wei (muttony odour), an ancient term used by southern Chinese to describe the slightly unsavoury tastes associated with the northern nomads.
另外两名厨师说,奶酪有浓重的膻味(羊肉的臭味)。 膻味是南方的老话,用来形容北方游牧民的食物里那种让人有点讨厌的味道。