Put forward a new method for long-span bridge buffeting analysis which using quasi-steady aerodynamic stiffness and unsteady aerodynamic damping based directly on wind tunnel test.
An experimental investigation on the active control of dynamic stall type unsteady separated flow is carried out in the low speed wind tunnel using a phase averaged pressure measurement technique.
Transonic tube wind tunnel flows over supercritical airfoils with slots on both upper and lower walls have been simulated by using compressible unsteady two dimensional Navier-Stokes equations.
This paper presents a method for determining unsteady aerodynamic force on oscillating blade of wind turbine, both stalled and unstalled.
From the two points of view, this paper gives a calculation method for the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of the wind turbines including the 3-d rotational effects.
Calculational results of unsteady loads on the wind turbine blade show that the calculation is improved by the 3-d rotational effect.
Calculational results of unsteady loads on the wind turbine blade show that the calculation is improved by the 3-d rotational effect.