The untagged word will be tagged a concept at the same time.
Satellite tagging had proved itself an efficient method for locating concentrations of the untagged.
Furthermore, 41 Honor is awarded for each intact and untagged tower, as well as a standing Captain, at the end of the game.
It works in both forensic mode to identify activities in thousands of hours of archived, untagged data and in streaming mode.
At last, an untagged corpus was used to test the model and the result is very good, which proves the superiority of the model.
NLTK corpora documents often come pre-tagged for parts of speech, but you can certainly add your own tags to untagged documents.
NLTK 全集文档通常有部分专门语言已经预先添加了标签,不过,您当然可以 将您自己的标签添加到没有加标签的文档。
This is good since an user can start tagging even before completing the coding of the algorithm, and the untagged code continues to work.
Untagged data: Since the schema is present when data is read, considerably less type information need be encoded with data, resulting in smaller serialization size.
Almost half of 18 to 24-year-olds have also 'untagged' drunk photos of themselves from Facebook and Twitter that they did not want others to see, according to a survey.
Almost half of 18 to 24-year-olds have also 'untagged' drunk photos of themselves from Facebook and Twitter that they did not want others to see, according to a survey.