That explosion was triggered by an accumulation of gas in an unventilated tunnel.
In may, he said, miners were dismayed to discover that 59 mules had died from unventilated mine gas.
Thus it was this time not heaven, but the upper space of an unventilated concert-hall, that sent down snow.
They found that in unventilated Spaces levels can build up and, over time, cause health problems such as allergies and asthma.
Some people criticized the passenger cabins for being hot and unventilated; others complained that the food in the area is too expensive.
About 32 percent of women Fried foods in boiling oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of women's bedrooms were adjacent to2 the kitchen.
Rather, parents have taken instead to sending their children to school every day with their own coal burners to stay warm in the often frigid, unventilated classrooms.
What triggers the explosion could be the overheated battery caused by extremely high temperature magnified by the windshield (glass) and the sealed (unventilated) vehicle cabin.
What triggers the explosion could be the overheated battery caused by extremely high temperature magnified by the windshield (glass) and the sealed (unventilated) vehicle cabin.