As a result, about 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide are sent into the atmosphere every year, making fossil fuel consumption the biggest of all humankind's unwitting geoengineering experiments.
So there we are, a Google search away, for all to see in places and company we should not have been in, the unwitting backdrop of other people's documentaries.
Then they left the restaurant, brushed past two unwitting policemen on its stairway, and went looking for a taxi back to the fight.
A new program aims to put the squeeze on malicious software that can disable, infiltrate or transform a computer system into an unwitting zombie - before the cyber attack ever materializes.
In contrast, a bailout forces unwitting taxpayers to foot the bill for Greece's SINS.
Can I disclaim the stereotype of Americans as living without the resonance of history, inhabiting the present with a childlike complacency, an unwitting, unreflecting arrogance?
The children left their homes at dawn while their unwitting parents were apparently sleeping, and took along Mika's seven-year-old sister, Anna-Lena, as a witness to the wedding.
She was a gay little Manon, unwitting of society's fierce conception of morality, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbour and charitable.
She was a gay little Manon, unwitting of society's fierce conception of morality, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbour and charitable.