Mrs. Darling had put the children to bed in unwonted silence and lit their night-lights.
He spoke with unwonted enthusiasm.
That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty.
The gardens had an unwonted trimness.
It was as Hester said unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people.
The fast improvement in the people's educational level in the 1990s was unwonted since 1949.
It was as Hester said, in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people.
It was as Hester said in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people.
A thousand times a day rough voices blessed heR, and smiles of unwonted softness stole over hard faces, as she passed.
He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and blinked at the unwonted light.
There was no wind, no rain, no lightning, no thunder, no awful or unwonted circumstance, of any kind, to heighten its effect.
During the last days of semester, you said want to stay at Fengxian longer, enjoy the unwonted and peachful atmosphere when all students went away.
Rochester's announcement, seemed now forgotten: her eyes, fixed on the blank wall opposite, expressed the surprise of a quiet mind stirred by unwonted tidings.
All this I enjoyed often and fully, free, unwatched, and almost alone: for this unwonted liberty and pleasure there was a cause, to which it now becomes my task to advert.
The old gray wall began to advertise a similar fiery lettering to the first, with a strange and unwonted mien, as if distressed at duties it had never before been called upon to perform.
Little Pearl's unwonted mood of sentiment lasted no longer; she laughed, and went capering down the hall, so airily, that old Mr. Wilson raised a question whether even her tiptoes touched the floor.
With Hareton the resemblance is carried further: it is singular at all times, then it was particularly striking; because his senses were alert, and his mental faculties wakened to unwonted activity.
With Hareton the resemblance is carried further: it is singular at all times, then it was particularly striking; because his senses were alert, and his mental faculties wakened to unwonted activity.