Unzip these files to a folder from which you can import them into Application Developer as needed during the development of this project; for example, c: \ temp1.
将这些文件解压到一个文件夹中,如c: \ temp1,以便在此项目开发期间根据需要从此处将其导入到Application Developer中。
Finally, download the code provided with this article and unzip it to a new folder.
If the unzip does not give the option to install, from the unzipped folder find and click ids_install.exe.
如果解压程序没有提供安装选项,那么在解压生成的文件夹中找到并单击ids_install . exe。
Unzip this file to any drive (for example, C:\ ); a sub-folder called googleapi will be created.
将该文件解压缩到任何驱动器(例如,C:\ );将创建名为 googleapi 的子文件夹。
Attached to this article. Create a folder called c: \ PubSubRealTime and unzip the file to it.
创建一个文件夹,命名为C: \PubSubRealTime,将文件解压缩到这个文件夹中。
All you need to do to run mqmon is to unzip it into a folder and double-click the executable.
After you have download the ant-contrib-1.0b1-bin.zip to your system, unzip the file to a folder on your system.
下载ant-contrib - 1.0 b1 -bin . zip文件到您的系统后,将其解压缩到您系统的一个文件夹中。
Then unzip the trang installable to a C:\trang folder. The command to create the library.xsd
然后将trang 解压到C:\trang文件夹。
Unzip the plugin and upload it to your plugins folder.
Not need to install, unzip to a folder.
Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on your hard drive.
Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on your hard drive.