Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P "policy" he enforces.
她没有概括这段话,而是加上了一段话,描述了朗格尔对女孩们的乖僻反应,这样她就可以引导他执行 A&P “政策”。
In the S&P 500 index, the energy sector is up just 2.4 per cent this year and was barely positive in the first quarter, lagging behind the index's 6 per cent gain for the year.
在标普500指数中,能源板块今年以来仅上涨2.4%,其中 在首季只是勉强维持上涨,而整体指数今年迄今已上涨6%。
The Dow Jones industrial average is down 13 points, or 0.1 percent, to 11,720. The S&P 500 is up 1, or 0.1 percent, at 1,284.
The S&P 500 last week completed its recovery from the six-month plunge that followed Lehman Brothers' collapse in September 2008, extending its rally up 85% since its low in March 2009.
在雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)于2008年9月破产后,标准普尔500(S&P 500)指数连续6个月出现下跌。 不过在上上周,标准普尔500指数终于恢复了元气,比2009年3月时的最低值上升了85%。
Mr. Hurd resigned from H. P. one month ago, after an investigation by the board into a personal relationship with a contractor turned up questionable expense reports.
Growing up listening to Scott Joplin's rags, James P. Johnson was one of the originators of the stride piano style.
The contract includes lifetime maintenance support and an option for the acquisition of up to eight additional P-81 aircraft, the official said.
该官员称,这份合同还包括全寿命维护支撑和另外8架P- 81飞机的附加选项。
The S&P/Case-Shiller index, which tracks home prices in 20 cities, ticked up slightly in May, its first gain in 34 months.
Jordi Puig-Suari at California Polytechnic State University built a deployment mechanism called the poly picosatellite orbital deployer, or P-POD, that could pack up to three CubeSats.
It is inextricably bound up in questions such as why firms differ, how they behave, how they choose strategies, and how they are managed (Porter, 1991, p. 95).
The S&P 500 already is up 39% since March 9 and high-yield bonds are up 31%.
What if all I can come up with are a bunch of small problems rather than one big one? p.
Remember we have to put one in each degenerate orbital before we double up on any orbital, so just keep that rule in mind that we would fill one in each p orbital before we a to the second one.
So, we end up with a total of six electrons that are possible that have that 2 p orbital value.
Instead, realize that markup is all about providing this level of organization; a p indicates that text is in a paragraph, img denotes an image, div divides a page up into sections, and so forth.
相反,要意识到只有标记才能提供这种级别的组织;p指明文本在段落内,img 表示图像,div 将页面分成区段,等等。
And you could then use a sequence of CTRL-N and CTRL-P (or the up - and down-arrows) to step through the menu and select the word you wanted.
然后,您可以分别使用CTRL- N和CTRL - P(或上下箭头)来在菜单的候选项上移动并选择您想要的单词。
More recently, H-P in 2008 launched an EliteBook line of laptops that lets the user access email, calendars and contacts without having to power up the computer.
The S&P/Case-Shiller index, which tracks home prices in 20 cities, ticked up slightly in May, its first gain in 34 months (see chart 1, left-hand side).
P-squared put up a 17 PER at age 21 and shows signs of being a double-double machine for the next decade.
Some bioluminescent bacteria, for example, light up when their population exceeds a threshold size (Journal of Bacteriology, vol 104, p 313).
In addition to 9,000 researchers in 11 research centres around the world, P&G has 75 technology scouts who travel the globe in search of new ideas that P&G might take up and develop.
H-P, which has long operated an environmental program, ramped up its efforts on PCs in 2005 after Mark Hurd took over as chief executive and asked, 'What more can we do?, ' Mr. Chahil says.
惠普笔记本电脑的包装将浪费降低到最小程度查希尔说,2005年赫德(Mark Hurd)接任首席执行长后提出了这样一个问题:“我们还能再做些什么?”那之后,实施环保计划已经很久的惠普加大了个人电脑的环保力度。
H-P, which has long operated an environmental program, ramped up its efforts on PCs in 2005 after Mark Hurd took over as chief executive and asked, 'What more can we do?, ' Mr. Chahil says.
惠普笔记本电脑的包装将浪费降低到最小程度查希尔说,2005年赫德(Mark Hurd)接任首席执行长后提出了这样一个问题:“我们还能再做些什么?”那之后,实施环保计划已经很久的惠普加大了个人电脑的环保力度。