Because our high school goes up to Grade 14!
The field test shows that the performance of new valve is up to grade.
Results 25 labs are up to grade, the relative error of 5 labs is up to 10%.
结果25个实验室被判定为合格,不合格者其相对误差>10 %。
The cleanliness classification can be up to grade 7 at the beginning and a year running.
The measuring department must do calibration for indicating instruments to make sure whether it is up to grade.
Strength and bending resistance test, welding heat test and highly accelerated life test (HALT) were retested up to grade.
Dec:I had lessons for a while and just got up to grade 1 but quit after that and just played my own pieces or songs that I wanted to cover.
I don't become a serious climber until the fifth grade, when I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.
All the students in Grade Three are going to clean up the banks of the Xiangjiang River.
Moving up from tenth to eleventh grade was a major one.
In ninth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who went to that party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshman there.
Boys consistently perform up to a tenth of a grade worse when they study English with high Numbers of girls as opposed to few or no girls, Proud found.
In second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey bars2, swing from one high rod to the next.
So part of this is a long-term problem: We have to enhance education from grade school all the way up so that the population becomes more competitive as a labor force.
So when you're pissed off about your grade, the person to take it up with... well, take it up with them.
Restarting an industrial civilisation might be a lot harder the second time round, because we have used up most of the easily available resources, from oil to high-grade ores.
Privately, they notified illegally polluting factories of their failing grade and gave them six months to clean up.
Wells will almost certainly Sue the county to great effect — meaning the tax-payers will pick up the bill, while a cop who tased a third-grade teacher effectively keeps his job.
When nationalist thugs beat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the "Aryan" seats.
I was swinging on the front gate, trying to decide whether to walk down the street to play with Verna, my best friend in fifth grade, when I saw a tramp come up the road.
The devastated Chinese mother would then get dozens, maybe hundreds of practice tests and work through them with her child for as long as it takes to get the grade up to an a.
Today, Yu Ying is open to pre-kindergarten through third-grade students, but it has plans to expand up to the eighth grade.
If a restaurant doesn't earn an a during its first inspection, it's considered scored but ungraded and a Health Department official will show up unannounced to re-inspect and possibly award a grade.
Of American children with the highest test scores in eighth grade, only 29% of those from low-income families ended up going to college, compared with 74% of those from high-income families.
The two sides vaguely agreed to "up grade" the original deal instead.
The Japanese Matsutake at the beginning of the season, which is the highest grade, can go up to $2000 per kilogram.
The secondary school that follows takes students from ages 11 to 15 and is broken up into various "forms, " which are the equivalent of American grades (as in first grade).
法国中学接纳11至15岁的青少年入学。 中学分几个级别,这种级别划分相当于美国学校里的年级划分。
In sixth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nicky or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said "no", you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.
I, of course, am delighted to see that, and will always raise the grade of a student who can put up a good fight, even if he is wrong.
I, of course, am delighted to see that, and will always raise the grade of a student who can put up a good fight, even if he is wrong.