The picture of the bar code is analyzed, then the UPC is determined by the phone's software and forwarded to the store's server for product lookup and price.
UPC-A the Universal Product Code that is widely used in Canada and the United States for tracking trade items in stores.
UPC - A通用产品代码,广泛用于加拿大和美国,用于跟踪商店中的交易物品。
There are human readable digits below the UPC code and above the supplemental code.
这是人类可读的数字低于UP C码及以上的补充代码。
The UPC symbol is then used to populate most of the other fields in the form, including material number, packaging type, brand code, and project number.
This code is called the universal product code( UPC), It is designed to add speed and efficiency to stores by using computers.
Enter an 11-digit UPC bar code (or a full 12-digit code including the check digit) and MakeUPC will generate the bar code graphic for you.
Enter an 11-digit UPC bar code (or a full 12-digit code including the check digit) and MakeUPC will generate the bar code graphic for you.