The published and updated date and times are also identical.
Figure 12 illustrates the top ten hot documents sorted by lasted updated date.
For listings that are "Cancelled" or "Withdrawn" we count the number of days between the listing start date and last updated date.
Two sorting criteria are introduced in this section: sorting by comment number of documents and sorting by last updated date of documents.
The last updated date property of the documents has been retrieved from the Lotus Quickr search service and saved into the SearchItem bean.
从LotusQuickr搜索服务获取更新日期属性并保存到SearchItembean 中。
Now both the comment number properties and the last updated date properties of the documents in the search results are prepared for sorting.
现在,搜索结果中的文档的commentnumber属性和lastupdated date属性已经准备好,可以进行排序了。
No, there is an updated version, three minutes video date.
The service takes in order messages together with the updated delivery date.
The date the whole site was updated or the copyright date is not adequate.
On the client side, for the computers you're managing, there are fewer packages to be updated, which helps reduce the time required to keep the systems up to date.
Keeping Content Management Systems (CMS) up to date is also crucial and ensures other security aspects of the site are updated.
Or, more commonly, the spreadsheet is simply not be updated on a timely basis and is consistently out of date.
Design diagrams are crossed off rather than updated. This is better than leaving the design out of date.
No release date of either the desktop application or other browser plugin has been announced, but we will be sure to keep you updated as and when it becomes available.
Some, such as ditto, date back to the NeXT era, although most have been updated.
No release date of either the desktop application or other browser plugin has been announced, but we will be sure to keep you updated as and when it becomes available. Thanks to brandon.
The Sandbox extends continuous updates to your team, enabling products and tutorials to be continually updated, providing an up-to-date view of what is going on in your environment.
If your website is content-heavy and is updated frequently (e.g. a blog or news site), having an RSS feed will be a necessary site feature for keeping your users up-to-date with fresh content.
The old 20 pence coin had the date on the front of the coin, but the updated version was supposed to shift the date to the other side.
You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the date it was "Last Updated" above.
The database would store the value, say 30 December 2005, as the date when the employee's birthday field was last updated.
这个数据库也将存储这个值,即 2005 年12 月30 日,作为职工的生日字段最后被更新的日期。
The design was periodically updated through reverse engineering, incorporating any changes back into the Rose model to maintain an up-to-date picture of the system.
When a user logs in, the lastlog file is opened, and their record with the login date and time is updated.
For instance, atom date constructs such as the atom: updated element can contain extension attributes but cannot contain extension elements.
To make things easier, SimpleJPA provides the base class IdedTimestampedBase, which manages the domain object's id property, as well as the date attributes created and updated.
It's updated irregularly with added hardware support, so it is a relatively up-to-date source of information.
The organization shall maintain a record of the date on which each change is implemented in production. Implementation shall include updated documents.
Free users can download all the historical data, historical data is updated monthly, so users free of charge 1-2 days a month can be used for up-to-date data on the main force.
免费用户可以下载所有历史数据,历史数据每月更新一次,所以免费用户每月有1 - 2天可以用上最新的主力数据。
We'll be sure to keep you updated about the Dell Streak's launch date and pricing once they are available.
We'll be sure to keep you updated about the Dell Streak's launch date and pricing once they are available.