I am getting this error when I am trying to upload a video in my site.
Another example: Upload a video of a people near a lion, crocodile, elephant, everything.
1 - If you plan to upload a video to both your site and video distribution sites like YouTube, be sure to post it to your site first.
People who view your video can rate and comment on the video, or if they prefer, they can leave a video response, where they upload a video which they have made in direct response to your video.
Once the recording is finished, you can watch your video on the Screenr site or embed it in a blog post. You can also upload it directly to YouTube, or download it to your desktop for further editing.
Here you can create a Wiki-style page to describe your sample and upload supporting documents including screenshots, design documents, or even video files.
We also tested the limits of upload sizes with a six-minute video.
disposal, you can easily make a video and upload it online in sites like YouTube for free.
另一个浪漫创意就是录制一小段视频,向她大声说出你的爱。 如果手头有数码相机或网络摄像头,你就可以轻松录制一段视频,并免费上传到YouTube等网站上。
you can easily make a video and upload it online in sites like YouTube for free.
另一个浪漫创意就是录制一小段视频,向她大声说出你的爱。如果手头有数码相机或网络摄像头,你就可以轻松录制一段视频,并免费上传到YouTube等网 站上。
You shot a hilarious video at the company picnic; do you upload it?
I first converted the video files and used an FTP program to upload them to my remote site, then download them to a video player on my computer.
It's one of many new "private sharing" services that let you upload a file-a picture, a video, whatever-and get a special URL you can give to select friends or workmates.
They can upload pictures, video clips and songs with just a few clicks on a simple, colour-coded page.
During the past year Messrs Hurley and Chen (pictured) have created another phenomenon: a simple, fun website to which anybody can upload video clips in order to share them.
"Video Girl" Barbie has a small built-in camera, a hidden LCD display screen and a USB cord that allows kids to upload videos to a computer.
A video Posting site which allows users to upload videos and photos and become part of unique mosaics that can be displayed on their own blogs.
On stage, he announced a new iPod nano that is able to record video and upload it directly to YouTube, competing with the Flip camera by network gear company Cisco.
在发布会现场,乔布斯发布能够录像并直接上传到YouTube新款iPod nano,该产品将会与网络设备公司思科生产的Flip照相机竞争。
Many users did not realise that they had become video distributors by installing iPlayer, and complained about slower computers and upload speeds, or about exceeding a monthly data cap.
It would be great, for example, if we could actually upload MP3s instead of having to find a link to a file, or if Meme accepted videos from other video services besides YouTube.
比如,如果我们能上传mp3而不是找一个到MP 3文件的链接的话,或者如果Meme能接受其他视频网站的视频,而不是仅仅只接受Youtube的视频,那就更好了。
You can also create a video resume and upload it to YouTube, but make sure it isn't cheesy or too rehearsed. If blogging isn't for you, perhaps start an online radio program.
Video origin can carry the station sowing a guest of the service oneself, also can let this forum him user upload video.
Founded in 2005, 56. com is a leading online video-sharing site where users can upload, view and share videos.
Start a movie project with one click, then upload widescreen video to social networking sites.
Start a movie project with one click, then upload widescreen video to social networking sites.