On top of that in certain markets, with one click you can upload your video direct to YouTube.
People who view your video can rate and comment on the video, or if they prefer, they can leave a video response, where they upload a video which they have made in direct response to your video.
YouTube will help you learn the music, rehearse, and upload your performance for the virtual symphony video.
Here you can create a Wiki-style page to describe your sample and upload supporting documents including screenshots, design documents, or even video files.
1 - If you plan to upload a video to both your site and video distribution sites like YouTube, be sure to post it to your site first.
You can also upload video from your own computer, or just input the link from video site, and it will show thumbnails about the video, how friendly.
There, you’ll find an easy way to upload your own text or video.
Once the recording is finished, you can watch your video on the Screenr site or embed it in a blog post. You can also upload it directly to YouTube, or download it to your desktop for further editing.
VSocial: The fastest, easiest way to upload, watch and share your favorite video clips.
The YouTube model is totally free—free to watch, free to upload your own video, free of interruptions.
Upload video that you shoot with your digital camera, mobile phone, or camcorder. Share video by linking to Vimeo.
There, you'll find an easy way to upload your own text or video.
Media is the images, video, recordings, and files, you upload and use in your blog.
Media is the images, video, recordings, and files, you upload and use in your blog.