It seems possible that a sinking current of cooled mantle material on the upper side of the plate might be the cause of such deep basins.
Because of its proximity to Earth's core, the rock at the base of the mantle is much hotter than rock in the upper mantle.
When a reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere of this hot rock forces its way up through the upper mantle to Earth's surface, creating a broad bulge in the topography.
The occurrence of pargasite reflects the participation of the upper mantle fluids and the metasomatism.
These levels are comparable to the 500 to 1000 parts per million of water in the Earth's upper mantle.
Serpentinite is a dark green mineral used in decoration and jewelry. In nature, it is formed when sea water infiltrates into Earth's upper mantle, at depths that can reach 200 km in subduction zones.
That is one of the possible reasons why there is no "high-conductive layer of the upper mantle" in the MT profile from Yingxian to Shanghe, which images the asthenosphere electrical characters.
The local horizontal dislocation reaches about 4 km in the medium at the focal depth, where the upper mantle rises.
In the crust and upper mantle, the density is characterized by lateral and vertical heterogeneity.
The results show that the crust and upper mantle structures present obvious lateral and vertical inhomogeneity.
The results indicate that the continental crust and upper mantle exhibit significant differences in reflection characteristics, which are related to tectonic units and regions.
The volcanic rocks resulted from upper mantle in Mesozoic group, and volcanic rocks from lower crust in Palapene system.
Until now, some studies showed that major source of ore-forming materials come from wall rock or upper mantle.
Earthquakes occur in the crust or upper mantle, which ranges from the earth's surface to about 800 kilometers deep (about 500 miles).
Upper mantle uplift is likely associated with upward migration of mantle material.
The elastic parameters, their main evidences and relevance to the earth's dynamics of the anisotropy of the upper mantle are discussed in this paper.
The upheaval zone in upper mantle is the primary factor controlling the distribution of gulch-gold mines and lode gold mines.
It is a porphyry copper-silver-tin deposit that occurs in the transitional crust and was formed by derivatives of the lower crustal-upper mantle transitional magma.
Deformation events and thermal textures of the upper mantle in this region show that Fujian and the Penghu Islands are characterized by a similar rheological state of the upper mantle.
Scientists call this layer of crust and upper mantle the lithosphere.
It shows that the magma was derived from the upper mantle which was altered or affected by subduction composition, and the mantle source was of chemical inhomogeneity.
Like the CORE of earth, the mantle can also be divided into two concentric layers, the lower mantle and the upper mantle.
Regional seismic wave carries lots of information about structural variations in the crust and the upper mantle.
The upper mantle consists of lherzolite, and it seems that there is a transition zone between spinel and garnet lherzolites.
In the upper mantle, or crust, there is water hiding in the tiny pores of certain "hydrous" minerals - in clay, in mica - and when conditions are right, that water can be squeezed out.
Isostatic gravity anomaly shows the character of middle - short wavelength, reflects unbalance of crust and upper mantle and dynamical character of substance adjusting.
Isostatic gravity anomaly shows the character of middle - short wavelength, reflects unbalance of crust and upper mantle and dynamical character of substance adjusting.