At 14 centuries, English re- becomes the official language of the upper-class society, the capital city is London at that time, so English of London also became standard English.
But, despite its seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, it brings to light the moral weaknesses of the English upper class and other problems in modern English society in a jocular manner.
BOBO refers to the modern romantic petty bourgeoisie, but also the upper class intellectuals in society.
His best wish was to win official rank and enter the upper class society, but unluckily, he died of hungry in prison.
Originally shunned by Argentina society as indecent, the tango became an overnight craze in upper-class Paris when Argentine intellectuals taught it when traveling abroad.
The mainstream of society, the upper class does not agree with you, will not respect you.
Of the high-rolling top 'hot celebrities' of the wealthy upper class in Korea's high society, Kang Hye-Na (Hena) is the one desired by the men, feared and hated by the women.
It is the first time that characters are spread beyond the scope of the upper class and enter into the larger scope of the society with great pace and momentum.
It is the first time that characters are spread beyond the scope of the upper class and enter into the larger scope of the society with great pace and momentum.