The new project remit covered the Upper Ground floor of the mews and the ground, first and second floors of the townhouse building (with the third storey retained for possible further expansion).
The museum is situated on the upper floor because the ground is being excavated right now because some remains of the soldiers who died in 1942 defending Sevastopol are said to be there.
The museum is situated on the upper floor because the ground is being excavated right now because some remains of the soldiers, who died in 1942 defending Sevastopol, are said to be there.
Usually the ground floor is the kitchen, the second floor serves as a storeroom and the third and upper floors are bedrooms.
Inside, slabs of local Caithness stone pave the ground floor, while grooved larch boarding provides a non-slip surface for the upper viewing deck.
Local studio TT Architects transformed the upper floor into a living space with a balcony, and the ground floor into a home office and carpentry workshop.
In addition to office space on the upper levels, the building includes retail on the ground floor and a second floor that features the elevator lobby, exhibition space and a restaurant.
The façade, made of glass in the ground floor and of a double translucent skin in the upper level, is backlighted at night, recreating an extensive band of light opposite the bay.
A pantry and a study are also located on the ground floor, while the upper floor accommodates three bedrooms and a utility room.
Shops on the upper levels are clearly seen from different angles from 'the Ground'. People flow to every floor effortlessly.
The ground level looks like a rift in its environment while the upper floor serves as a home office and as a "guarding point".
Topped with a large, flat roof, the rectilinear dwelling has an upper level that cantilevers over the ground floor.
The working space is inside a masonry white box which also contains a guest room / dressing room on the ground floor and an office on the upper floor.
The space is divided with two inserted wooden volumes which in ground floor contain kitchen with dining or bathroom and in the upper floor master bedroom and children's room.
There are now three on the ground floor, along with a bathroom, and a fourth is located on the new upper level.
The atrium along the south façade connects the common areas and ground floor classrooms with the offices of the particular chairs on the upper floors.
Much of the front facade is occupied by full-height Windows that ensure plenty of natural light pours into the ground-floor exhibition space and the studios on the upper storeys.
We proposed a two-storey building, thus ignoring the developer's initial guidelines, obtaining a locker room for athletes on the ground floor, while leaving the entire upper floor for storage use.
It embodies the visual limit between the public and private realms, while it shelters the upper domains from noise pollution and the mechanical equipment on the ground-floor.
An entrance on the ground floor leads to a staircase that ascends to the main living areas on the upper storey.
The ground level bedrooms are primarily used by guests, while those on the upper floor are occupied by the family.
On the upper floor there are three bedrooms, two accessed from the west stair and one from the east stair, allowing a double height space between to give light to the ground floor.
When there is a power outage, as long as the lower car parking no car, through the manual release of the device can be easily on the upper floor of the vehicle safely down to the ground.
The results indicate that the moment amplification coefficient at the bottom section of columns in the ground floor should be compatible to that of the upper stories;
Manufacturing Execution System(MES) is a management information system of the workshop layer witch lies between the planning system of the upper layer and industrial control of the ground floor.
The ground floor has living, study, dining, puja, home theatre, 2 kitchens, and 2 guest rooms while the upper level has 3 bedrooms, a yoga and meditation space and a family room.
The bedrooms are spaced across the ground floor, giving direct access to a small garden between the inner and outer facades of the building, while the living areas are spread across the upper floor.
The project brings together 90 housing units on six upper floors, and a home for young autistic workers on the ground floor.
The building has five storeys and the rear mews has two storeys, with the upper ground mews floor corresponding to the ground floor of the main space.
As guests arrive at the upper-ground floor welcome lobby, they will be escorted to the skylobby & reception/check-in on the 25th floor by dedicated shuttle elevators.