The downward transport of ozone due to tropopause folding can reach middle part of troposphere, which has the most influence on the ozone in the upper troposphere.
The seasonal reversal of wind field from the upper troposphere to the stratosphere is as pronounced as in the middle and lower troposphere.
With GMS-5 water vapour data during summer and autumn in 1995, moisture distribution and change in the upper-middle troposphere of tropical and subtropical belts are analyzed.
利用GMS - 5卫星水汽通道资料分析了1995年夏秋季热带副热带对流层中上层水汽场的分布及其变化。
The heavy rain is presented under the condition of the strong positive vorticity, convergence, vapor flux convergence in middle and lower troposphere and stronger divergence at upper troposphere.
Meridional heat transfer by large-scale eddies is most significant in the upper troposphere of middle latitude.
尺度 湍涡的子午线热输送在纬度对流层上层是最重要的。
Meridional heat transfer by large-scale eddies is most significant in the upper troposphere of middle latitude.
尺度 湍涡的子午线热输送在纬度对流层上层是最重要的。