Upside down Pyramid mass on the top of the building is major issue of the project.
The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital.
Then in 1986, a young member of the Qatar royal family bought his first picture, an upside-down pyramid by Yousef Ahmad, a Doha-born painter trained in Cairo and California.
然后,在1986年,卡塔尔皇室年轻的王子哈桑.阿勒萨尼买下了第一幅画。 这幅画是约瑟夫.艾哈迈德—出生于多哈,在开罗和加利福尼亚学习--的作品,画面是一个倒立的金字塔。
Then in 1986, a young member of the Qatar royal family bought his first picture, an upside-down pyramid by Yousef Ahmad, a Doha-born painter trained in Cairo and California.
然后,在1986年,卡塔尔皇室年轻的王子哈桑.阿勒萨尼买下了第一幅画。 这幅画是约瑟夫.艾哈迈德—出生于多哈,在开罗和加利福尼亚学习--的作品,画面是一个倒立的金字塔。