The ice blocks up the river, making the upstream water unable to flow.
Downstream of the upstream water too much, cause water shortage, block;
Reporters across the Silver Bridge to later see in the upstream water is indeed very clear.
With the upstream water level reducing and the downstream water level increasing, the highest tangent velocity also moving to the pipe center.
The bigger the downstream water level, the outstanding of variation degree of axial velocity along radius distribution when upstream water level is same.
Sustained drought and insatiable upstream water demand have drained Lake Mead to the point that experts are predicting it may soon be shallow enough to be in deep trouble.
Moreover, downstream factories and drinking water companies will benefit from the upstream water quality improvement measures, too and also from greater flood protection.
Israel has extracted about 65% of the water upstream of the Jordan River.
Once a construction project starts upstream, it requires water compensation downstream.
The upstream countries point to Egypt's own wasteful practices, saying the 75 percent of Egypt's water is used for agriculture, most of it wasted by inefficient, old-fashioned practices.
The upstream countries point to Egypt's own wasteful practices, saying that 75 percent of Egypt's water is used for agriculture, most of it wasted by inefficient, old-fashioned practices.
In Costa Rica and Mexico, these markets let water users compensate upstream forest owners for reducing sediments in rivers.
Water and sediment flows to the delta have declined dramatically since the 1970s, due to both reduced rainfall and explosive urban and agricultural demand for water upstream.
Its upstream Nile neighbors - Sudan, with 44 million people, and Ethiopia, with 83 million - are growing even faster, increasing the need for water to produce food.
But unlike the capital, Kanpur does not have clean drinking water delivered from upstream.
Fortunately we have good river water which we can cart in from upstream while the drilling - inch by inch - continues.
This, Haddad says, is why people find it acceptable to get their water supply from their local river, even though that river water at one point mingled with the sewage of the town upstream.
Farmers, especially cotton and rice growers in those upstream states, account for 83% of the basin's consumed water.
It's been known to swim hundreds of miles upstream in rivers like the Mississippi and can be found in fresh water many miles from the ocean.
The threat of losing Nile water has animated Egypt, which until recently had virtually ignored the upstream countries.
China, as an upstream country, attaches great importance to the concerns and interests of downstream countries and adopts a responsible attitude in the development and utilization of water resources.
Its position so far upstream has left its water supply particularly vulnerableto floods and drought.
He said there are mountaintop mining sites on several sides of his home and that valley fills upstream taint the water.
Trying to control the emotional self willfully by manipulative attempts is like trying to choose a number on a thrown die or to push back the water of the Kamo River upstream.
The decreased flow of fresh water also means that saltwater from the East China Sea now creeps farther upstream.
If debris in the water system continues to cause fouling, a strainer can be installed upstream of the backflow assembly.
Under normal circumstances should be set in the first mesh upstream flow turning point, the water before near the river, you can control the mainstream, play a role in the light of its general trend.
Further upstream, Hunan is suffering the worst drought since 1910, affecting water supplies for 1.1 million people and 157 urban areas.
Except the tremendous economical benefit, it can also improve the ecological environment of upstream and mitigate water source in downstream.
Except the tremendous economical benefit, it can also improve the ecological environment of upstream and mitigate water source in downstream.